Select Reviews: The Scariest Dream Ever
“The Scariest Dream Ever is a wonderful children’ fantasy…daringly illustrated in dark, slashing splashes…The Scariest Dream Ever” is the perfect book for youngsters of a certain age who have beginning bedtime fears as a stall to bedtime…This book is a hoot from start to finish.”
Midwest Book Review
The Scariest Dream Ever is a beautifully written and illustrated storybook that we recommend to parents to help alleviate worries from night terrors. It provides parents and children an opportunity to discuss bedtime rituals while sharing a humorous tale on how one child successfully deals with scary dreams!
Monkey See, Monkey Do Children’s Bookstore, Clarence, NY
“A delightful book that makes a child’s fears not only manageable but humorous. Clever and
reassuring. This is the kind of book that will stay with you and your children for years to come.”
Dr. Donna Phillips, Western New York Family Magazine
“The Scariest Dream Ever …a beautiful book. The illustrations were amazing, the kind of pictures kids can look at over and over again and they become part of their childhood. It was a great read aloud…a children’s book…worth keeping. Love it!”
Lucinda A Holman, New York, NY